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Apr 24, 2006
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i was just thinking of a dream tank that would be like 20,000 gal... a tank so big you could get inside of a swim. Are there any species of octopus that a person could get ahold of that is very large? If so what species is it and how big does it get? Im just curious
Giant Pacific Octopus (GPO, Octopus dofleini) gets to about 16 feet (~4.9m) from arm to arm, I haven't heard of them being held at home though. But the Seattle aquarium has been known to hold them.

In NZ we have the Common octopus Pinnoctopus cordiformis which can get to 9 or 10 feet (~3m)on that measurement, again they tend to be held in public aquaria rather than at home! I'm sure there are many more!

when i worked at my lfs.... i did all the oredering of the fish.... on the list we got from the supplier they had gpo's we could get in... do you think they were really gpo's?
91lxstang;89737 said:
when i worked at my lfs.... i did all the oredering of the fish.... on the list we got from the supplier they had gpo's we could get in... do you think they were really gpo's?

I certainly hope not, as your average home aquarist wouldn't have a tank big enough!

I can't say whether or not it was true as I'm in NZ and we certainly don't get them!

Who is your LFS? They are fairly common in their native range, but I have never seen them in the pet trade per se. I have seen them on lists from LFS selling for research purposes however. Don't even attempt one of these suckers at home. They can have an armspan of up to 23 feet and a mass of up to atleast 71kg. We are talking a tank the size of a small bedroom.

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