Keeping 1+ octopus in the same tank


Pygmy Octopus
Jul 13, 2007
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Have anyone try to keep more than one octopus in the same tank? I heard octopus doesn't get along well with each other. But have anyone try??
tfever;98046 said:
Have anyone try to keep more than one octopus in the same tank? I heard octopus doesn't get along well with each other. But have anyone try??

For the most part they do not get along well togeather, but there are exceptions. Sometimes if you have a large enough tank you can keep more than one. Also, it depends on the species.
The folks at Mote have 2 vulgaris sharing a large tank that seem to get along well, apparently they were caught together. Unfortunately, compatibility is still the exception rather than the rule for octos, though, and since it's difficult to predict, if it doesn't work out it ends up stressing both animals badly, and often with one eating the other.
Generally no, but it depends on species, we keep Octopus warringa/huttoni three to a tank, they set up a size based dominance hierarchy BUT this is rare and we are a public aquarium so have lots of experience and large tanks etc. We also keep Pinnoctopus cordiformis and they will NEVER tolerate a companion in the tank. One will always be killed.

monty;98073 said:
The folks at Mote have 2 vulgaris sharing a large tank that seem to get along well, apparently they were caught together. Unfortunately, compatibility is still the exception rather than the rule for octos, though, and since it's difficult to predict, if it doesn't work out it ends up stressing both animals badly, and often with one eating the other.

excuse my ignorance, what is the mote?
mosthated;98331 said:
excuse my ignorance, what is the mote?

It's a marine lab and public aquarium in Sarasota, FL, where TONMOCON2 was held about a month ago... it's not huge, but it's a fun place to visit... Squidmum and Cephalopodcast and a few other regulars around here are on staff there.
I have tried this for a few species and as others have said, the general answer is no. However, there are exceptions based on species, size and sex. For example, you might be able to keep sexually mature male and female A. aculeatus together for a while, but two members of the same sex will not get along. One of my more vivid memories of this is watching two male A. aculeatus fight with one wrapping an arm around the mantle near the funnel of the other, constricting and suffocating it. They do not play nice!.


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