octo joe;83949 said:
thanks for that brief input Animal Mother if you have any other advice as well as anyone else it would be greatly appreciated THIS IS MY FIRST OCTO I've read up on them for about a year now but theres always more to learn.Dont get me wrong Im an expierenced with all types of animals but I love to learn more all the time.
That's the best attitude to have.
Things that will help everyone help you...
How big is your tank? How much live rock do you have in there? What kind of filtration are you using? How often do you feed it?
I have mine in a 10 gallon with a 50 gallon Aquaclear filter that has a large filter pad containing carbon blocking in a large wad of macro algae and a shallow sand bed. I use it this way because when I started in the saltwater hobby I found several people had used this method on small tanks with a lot of success. I like it, it provides a lot of flow, and has the room to be used as a refugium, and besides the carbon, the macroalgae helps filter junk out of the water and pods thrive in it. I haven't had any water quality issues yet, but I'm watching. I have an extra 60 gallon HOB skimmer sitting around just in case. The room he is in is dim, and always stays cool, and the tank temp stays between 70 and 72.
I have a shallow sand bed in the tank. The octopus itself is actually contained in a large critter keeper, barely small enough to fit inside the tank so as to maximize his space, but easy to make escape proof with filter sceen that allows plenty of flow. I only use this method because he is so tiny. He is about 3 inches long, from the tip of his mantle to the tips of his arms.
There is about 10 pounds of live rock in with him, plus several large shells for him to hide in. He seems to enjoy them more than the rock, and he is rarely in the same one for more than a day or two.
I've found that Einy (my dwarf) tends to eat Hermits every night if there are any in the tank with him, and Fiddler Crabs usually run around for a couple of days before he eats them.
You might not feed him one night, and then put a Fiddler in the next night, with the light on. I have to be really patient sometimes in order to even just catch a glimpse of him. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to catch the show though.