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I had a dream...

I had another one! This one was even better as my ex was nowhere to be seen. I was in the coolest fish store EVER, it was like an aquarium it was so big and the majority of the dream was spent looking at all the different types of water animals, trying to decide which one I wanted to take home for my tank. There was a oblong tank in the middle of the store, sort of like an O in that it was open in the middle and this is where the lights were. This tank had all the saltwater animals, who shared the same water, but had plexiglas dividers between the sections for each of them so they would not eat each other. There was an octo vulgaris in one of these sections, about the size of a normal persons fist (I have small hands, so both my fists) and we had a total mind-meld, where the octo was changing color corrosponding to my thoughts and came right up to the glass to get a look at me. I put my hand against the glass and the octo put one tentacle up against my hand, then that one tentacle split on the end into five fingers, so it looked just like a little hand. I was amazed. I hung out with this octo for a while, but I knew I could not have him because I did nt have the knowledge or resources to keep him, so I ended up getting a bright purple blennie instead. Next thing ya know I am skateboarding on a rainy day in the Zocalo and the dream goes on from there...
That is so cool! Very positive. The octopus could be a familiar or spirit guide, obviously an entity with which you communicate on a profound level. It may be that its just saying a little hello to you now, letting you know that it will be waiting when you are ready for it. I hope so, because it must have been sad having this incredible communion with the creature, only to have to leave it. The fish store sounds very very cool. Maybe you'll be able to get there again. Try meditating on the setting before you go to sleep & maybe you can turn it into a sort of dream-base.

8:45am for me right now. Trying to clean out the cobwebs of unremembered dreams from last night with esspresso before gritting my teeth and starting the working day.
Trying to clean out the cobwebs of unremembered dreams from last night with esspresso before gritting my teeth and starting the working day.

I like that sentence, very poetic. Although my dream last night did not have any cephs in it, I did have another ocean animal encounter, this time with a large seaturtle, of the type I got to pet while in Mexico (I'm looking at her picture on my desk right now) this one talked, but it was sad about things, however as it left after our conversation I got the distinct impression I was to raise the baby turtles from the eggs it has just lain.

Maybe tonight I'll run into a giant squid who wants to play baseball or something.
lithographette said:
....There was an octo vulgaris in one of these sections, about the size of a normal persons fist (I have small hands, so both my fists) and we had a total mind-meld, where the octo was changing color corrosponding to my thoughts and came right up to the glass to get a look at me. I put my hand against the glass and the octo put one tentacle up against my hand, then that one tentacle split on the end into five fingers, so it looked just like a little hand....

Hiya Lith!

By any chance, did you ever read an anecdote I posted to this site about a little Octo at the Coney Island Aquarium? Your dream image sounds almost identical to the actual incident, when the cutie was shyly hiding in a rock crevice at the back of the exhibit, and I placed my palm against the glass to see what it would do. At that point, still lodged in its little hidey-hole, it reached out one arm and placed it on the glass right up against my palm, as if to shake hands with me. Of course, its arm didn't split into five fingers :D , but otherwise it sounds like you had my post in the back of your mind and it surfaced in your dream.

Either that, or it is one hell of a co-inky-dinky! :octopus:

Squidly salutations,
Now that you remind me of the post I do recall reading it, but it was some time ago. I think the dream was also fueled in part by all the cable I watched while indulging in room service during my stay in Las Vegas last weekend, I don't have a telly of my own, so I made a point of watching lots of the nature channel, which rewarded me with several docs on cephs and other ocean animals. No more ceph dreams recently, but still lots with water and traveling.....
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! IÃ! IÃ! Cthulhu fhtagn!

and you can quote me on that.
Tentacular! said:
Of course you know that Cthulhu is said to use dreams as his/her/its primary means of communication with worshipers.

That being the case, I believe I was contacted last night... had a dream in which a friend of mine wrote a lengthy, somewhat rambling but excellent poem, the final stanza of which described Cthulhu rampaging down the streets of some large hapless city, wreaking havoc (fire and brimstone, apocalypse, all that) and then the final line was something fantastic along the lines of "As Faulkner said, 'You won't need it in the afterlife'. "
... OK, maybe this only sounded brilliant to me in the wee hours of the morning (as dream inspirations tend to do) but I do wish I could remember the rest. It was great.
Even though I can't stand Faulkner (may :cthulhu: consume him and his entire body of literature). And I doubt he ever said that.

Tintenfisch said:
Even though I can't stand Faulkner (may :cthulhu: consume him and his entire body of literature). And I doubt he ever said that.


Hey, I liked LIGHT IN AUGUST! Of course, that's the only thing I ever read by him, and that was back in college around the time of the Peloponnesian Wars. Anyway, if he did say that, it would have been in Deep South rural dialect stream of consciousness with lots and lots of stark red earth bleak fertile rainy black white green grassy searing hot sweaty cornbreadscented adjectives....
TaningiaDanae said:
it would have been in Deep South rural dialect stream of consciousness

for the sound and fury, i hope hes being tormented somewhere for a long while....

very odd... had a dream a few nights ago where my family somehow how come into possession of lovecraft's house.... they were going to give it to me because no one else wanted it.... it was one of those realistic seeming dreams.... i only realized it was in a dream when i agreed to move to RI

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