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I had a dream...

Jul 1, 2003
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Last night I dreamed that some friends and I were going for a swim in a waterhole. The waterhole was fringed by high cliffs (a crater lake I guess). I clambered over the lip of the crater before the rest of the group and clung to the rock, which was very steep. Looking down, I saw the water was quite a scary drop below, and an intense blue. But the wierdest thing was that on the surface of the water were floating lots and lots of squid, ranging from 1-6 feet in body length. I immediately decided that jumping from a great height into a lake full of large squid might not be such a great idea (although in retrospect it does sound like fun), and yelled at my friends to warn them. They ignored me and jumped, yelling and laughing into the lake. My fingers were getting tired with the effort of hanging on to the rock, and my feet were slipping. Just as I couldn't hold on any longer and started to fall, I woke up!!!

So, any budding dream interpreters out there who can tell me what this means? Anyone else having nocturnal cephalopodic encounters? :sleeping: :squid:
Hmmmm.........no idea what your dream means. I sure it does not have to have meaning! Quite amusing in a disturbing manner though.

I once dreamt that I threw up gallons of milk and dead baby octopuses into a porcelain wash basin in my old school changing room. :yuck:
Eeeeeewwwwww! That would be disturbing. Were the poor babies alive? Had you possibly taken a swig from a milk carton contaminated with octopus eggs? Perhaps you inadvertantly discovered a new species whose natural habitat is milk? This is linking uncannily into the "What kind of milk does cthulhu prefer" thread.
Let's see now, Squid, what could that symbolize?

Long, narrow, rigid, muscular, flanked by two rounded flukes, moves in both directions, aggressive, a bit scary but fascinating....

Nope, doesn't remind me of anything in particular.

:squid: :roflmao:

"Sometimes a Ceph is just a Ceph." -- Squidmund Freud
Phil said:
I once dreamt that I threw up gallons of milk and dead baby octopuses into a porcelain wash basin in my old school changing room. :yuck:


Apparently we birthday twins are more psychologically connected than we thought - but I'm glad I'm not the only one with dreams along these lines. Sometime within the past few months (you can confirm this with Steve, he laughed long and hard when I told him) I dreamt I had a baby lobster culture growing in my stomach, and I kept vomiting masses of squirming zoea. It was one of the most disgusting dreams I think I've ever had.
Tintenfisch said:
....I dreamt I had a baby lobster culture growing in my stomach, and I kept vomiting masses of squirming zoea. It was one of the most disgusting dreams I think I've ever had.

OMG. Kat, this is unbelievable -- you sure you haven't been reading any urban legends lately? Because several months ago I was browsing through the Snopes "Urban Legends" website (a topic that has always interested me) and came across the grossest, awfullest, most repulsive urban legend I've ever heard, and it bore a remarkable resemblance to your dream -- only much, much worse.

Good taste precludes my including herein a direct link to the story, but if you're morbidly curious about it, you can go to www.snopes.com, and type the words lobster brine shrimp into the search engine. But please note....

Reader Advisory: Rated NC-17 for adult content and EXTREME nausea factor! :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

Since the legend has no basis in fact (thank Poseidon!), I can only conclude that the "crustacean-spewing" archetype is common to all western cultures. What does it mean? I have no idea, but something tells me I wouldn't want to know even if I could.

Still dreaming about Archis :wink2: ,
I've heard about that one too. Beggars the imagination. But I guess if you REALLY love lobster.... Derailing train of thought now before permanent damage done.
I actually know someone who insists that that one is true...I have tried to explain to her several times that is not possible for lobsters to hatch inside a female orifice, but she is adamant!
Its never happened to me. :lol:
EEEWWWW! That is wrong on soooo many levels! Hmmm, come to think of it, I thought I saw naupli down there once...hehe :lol:
cthulhu77 said:
EEEWWWW! That is wrong on soooo many levels! Hmmm, come to think of it, I thought I saw naupli down there once...hehe :lol:

Well, this post sent me directly to a search engine and now I know what naupli are:


Come to think of it, that's exactly what my friend's brother picked up at one of the local "recreational establishments" when the USAF stationed him in Bangkok.... :P

Aaaarrgh aaaarrgh!
Mr. Krabs

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