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Howdy from Mississippi


Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Howdy! I'm new to the users group, not new to the site, and figured I would introduce myself. My name's Rinie. I'm currently an aquarist at the University of Southern Mississippi's marine education center, formerly a student intern at the NRCC in Galveston, Texas. I graduated from Texas A&M at Galveston last year. I'll probably be in here asking advice since, as the only one with experience, I've been declared the ceph expert at my new job and am charged with bringing cephalopods to the facility. Yikes. I love them, just definately not feeling the expert thing. So hope to see ya'll around, and am looking forward to talking with you guys. Later! :shock:
Wow, that is quite a list of credentials !! Perhaps we should be asking you????
Very glad to have you onboard...see if you can come to Tonmocon too!!!


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