Ah Ha!
Thanks Phil, I'll look out for that one, have you beet to see the NHM Architeuthis yet?
As a newsflash type update thing, I've just had an email from Jon Ablett, the Curator of Non-Marine Mollusca and Cephalopods at the Natural History Museum (London) who gave the talk on the Giant Squid Tour. He's gven me permission to post his reply to my question about the Colossal Squid that you may recall I gave some details of a while back
here's what Jon says:
"The Colossal Squid specimen that was brought to the NHM has been
preserved in formal saline and I am waiting to try and see if the
specimen is suitable to go on display. The specimen has the tentacles
and arms intact (and in good condition), the majority of the head but no mantle. The tentacles and head measure about 2m (this is very
approximate, I do not have the precise measurements to hand) in length.
The beak and buccal mass has been removed and a cast is being made of
the beak.
I am hoping to try and prepare the specimen for display (it will
probably go in the same tank as our large Architeuthis dux) but if it
does not look in good enough condition, then it will probably not go on display. This may take some time (although I am hoping to do it in the next month or two) as in order to work on the specimen I need to close the Darwin Centre Tank Room which is open to the public for behind the scenes tours.
I have some photos of the specimen (after being caught and being
prepared) but I am not able to let you (and TONMO) have a copy of them until the specimen is on display (or it has been decided the specimen will not be put on display, I also need to find out who owns the copyright of the photographs taken when the specimen was caught).
Sorry my answer is so vague but I will let you (and TONMO) know some
more details as soon as I can.
Best wishes,
Jon Ablett
Jonathan Ablett
Curator of Non-Marine Mollusca and Cephalopods"
Exciting eh?