Hi all,
Delighted to join a community of ceph-heads in TONMO. To get us off on the right foot-pod let me introduce myself. I'm half of an eight-limbed writing duo that, drawing inspiration from the philosopher Vilem Flusser (who wrote a book of philosophy from the perspective of Vampyroteuthis Infernalis), has been producing media-philosophy works that explore digital art, media and technology which appear to channel the 'soft intelligence' of cephalopod creatures. Among other things, our research uncovered how cephalpod brains were used as an early template for computational research after WWII. We argue that this can help explain many aspects of modern digital culture and media, as well as the 'soft' nature of digital software (ok, Flusser made this last point first). From the ubiquity of tentacles in modern films, to volumetric navigation techniques, to deep-fake disguise and cgi skins, we believe the cephalopod is the totem animal of the modern networked digital world. I'm already loving the abundance of art, images and articles shared in this community space and can't wait to grope around the site a bit more. If you fancy checking out our inky expulsions you can always check out The Squid Cinema From Hell: Kinoteuthis Infernalis and the emergence of Chthulumedia (or a free introduction to the book here https://euppublishingblog.com/2020/08/13/squid-cinema-from-hell/)- or if you would like Weird film and media recommendations from across time and space, check out this recent list Centre for Screen Cultures | Themed Playlist: A Chthululist
Delighted to join a community of ceph-heads in TONMO. To get us off on the right foot-pod let me introduce myself. I'm half of an eight-limbed writing duo that, drawing inspiration from the philosopher Vilem Flusser (who wrote a book of philosophy from the perspective of Vampyroteuthis Infernalis), has been producing media-philosophy works that explore digital art, media and technology which appear to channel the 'soft intelligence' of cephalopod creatures. Among other things, our research uncovered how cephalpod brains were used as an early template for computational research after WWII. We argue that this can help explain many aspects of modern digital culture and media, as well as the 'soft' nature of digital software (ok, Flusser made this last point first). From the ubiquity of tentacles in modern films, to volumetric navigation techniques, to deep-fake disguise and cgi skins, we believe the cephalopod is the totem animal of the modern networked digital world. I'm already loving the abundance of art, images and articles shared in this community space and can't wait to grope around the site a bit more. If you fancy checking out our inky expulsions you can always check out The Squid Cinema From Hell: Kinoteuthis Infernalis and the emergence of Chthulumedia (or a free introduction to the book here https://euppublishingblog.com/2020/08/13/squid-cinema-from-hell/)- or if you would like Weird film and media recommendations from across time and space, check out this recent list Centre for Screen Cultures | Themed Playlist: A Chthululist