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Hello From Wisconsin!


Aug 24, 2021
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Hello fellow ceph lovers and keepers it is nice to find another forum to peruse. I have been keeping all kinds of saltwater inhabitants for years now and am now a first time octopus owner looking for all that juicy information you know I could only find here. I'm lucky enough to own my own LFS so I just ordered a lil guy in last week and have been super excited about it ever since! His setup is foolproof as I've been scraping forums and pages like this for years in anticipation. Looking forward to my journey with the new species and getting to live some of the great experiences I read about all over here. I'm down to talk octopus, cephs, coral, fish, or anything related to the hobby, anytime!
Thanks to everyone for the warm invite.

What kind of octopus you getting? Thanks Tom
I have received a "East Asia" Octopus sp., so literally almost no description other than its a smaller species. There is one other thread on here where someone raises a couple from my same source (Wholesaler Quality Marine) and it seemed his were multiple different species, so the jury is really still out.

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