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Greetings from down under :)


Jan 4, 2007
Hi everyone.

Im from australia and i have been keeping and breeding Euprymna Tasmanica (Southern Dumpling Squid). They are very suitable for aquariums and quite small so suitable for more smaller tanks. They are nocturnal however mine are just as active throughout the day, (mostly because they always want some food from me ;) ) I also have kept a few occys (including the blue ring) however i dont keep the blue rings anymore as they are just to dangerous to have around (even if you are experienced and know what you are doing accidents do sadly happen).

Anyway i look forward to getting to know the rest of you and sharing ideas etc. Heres some photos of mine.


Hunting :)




Mom laying eggs on rock:

:welcome: And I'm sure many of us would love to hear the details of keeping these! Great pix!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)

marinebio_guy, i think eggs would probably be the best to take back with you (to the states i assume?) perhaps even the younger ones, im not sure how the older ones would travel that long on a plane?

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