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Gotta choose between two filters.


Jul 10, 2005
I've found two filters that are really cheap, they are knock-off chineese copies of eheim, but I've read lots of reviews and people seem to think they are great.

Jebao 918 (a copy of the eheim 2028), and the Atman 3338.
I have a 300L tankl, and these are rated to 600L I think.

The Jebao costs $140NZ and the Atman $130. I rekon that eheims are ridiculously overpriced(here the 2028 model costs $1000), and I was gonna build my own wet/dry, but these are well within my budget.


anyone have any suggestions over which one is better? At the mo I'm tending towards the Eheim 2028 knockoff,

I'm not familiar with either of these filters, so read the reviews carefully. Perhaps some of our other members would have experience with these brands.


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