Little does one know that Putin has answered this question, and in his answer he expressed his suspicion of Great Chthulhu.
He said the following (quote from lenta ru, translation by me)
""I treat all such supernatural forces with suspicion, and
would suggest those seeking thruth to refer to Korane, Talmud and Bible, as it might be more beneficial."
I wonder what made him so distrusfull of Great One (Chthulhu is nice, at least he is 100% against any discrimination
) and what exactly is Chthulhu suspected of.
He also did not explain his unobvious conclusion of Bible, Torah and Korane being somehow more favourable than Chthulhu (indeed, that is quite questionable)
Путин посоветовал поклонникам Ктулху читать Талмуд, Коран и Библию
My oh my, we've got to emailt this to Chaosium. Realy. Just think of the possibilities: Russian setting for CoC! Marvelous...
P.S.: As for Sov Gundams, it is pointless to paint them at all, as they will be, surely, equipped with permamently active failproof cloaking device that will render them invisible, both opticaly and through any but most sophisticated radar systems.
Nasha sluzhba i opasna i trudna - I na pervy vzglad, konexhno, ne vidna =)