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cuttlefish with squid ?


Pygmy Octopus
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
hey all

i waiting for my arrive of my cuttle fish it arrives from my collector at 11 pm (2 hours) but my friend just dropped off a small bubble squid (dont know wats its called) really small looks like a bubble haha
anyway the squid is about 2.5-3 cm and from wat my collector says the cuttle fish is also 2.5-3 cm also

i was wonder can both of these 2 live together cause i be placing them in a breeder box until the new tank arrives but i dont think will eat other now but later will they cuttle have a go at him or the other way around ?
i also dont have an id on the cuttle yet i take some pics when it arrives :)

thanks in advance

There is a chance that they might get along but if you have extra space I would seperate them.

i waiting for my arrive of my cuttle fish it arrives from my collector at 11 pm (2 hours) but my friend just dropped off a small bubble squid (dont know wats its called) really small looks like a bubble haha
anyway the squid is about 2.5-3 cm and from wat my collector says the cuttle fish is also 2.5-3 cm also

i was wonder can both of these 2 live together cause i be placing them in a breeder box until the new tank arrives but i dont think will eat other now but later will they cuttle have a go at him or the other way around ?
i also dont have an id on the cuttle yet i take some pics when it arrives :smile:

thanks in advance

well from wat my collector says this little cuttle fish only grows to 15cm
and i putting him into a 3ftx3ftx19" tall tank he small than i excepted i shall take some picture tomorrow morning when we all awake :P
woot he/she arrived last night

anyway here some pics i would love to get an id on it since my collector was unable to id it and my little squid who ink out orange stuff last night :S and is not eating kinda worried about but i dont want to play with it to stress it more i put a shrimp and a crab with it but it seem the crab has jumped into my main tank >>

the cuttle fish is eating well ate 2 live shrimps and half a dead one
he about 2cm long or so



hehe my friend brought him over and he look soo cute he said that he diidnt grow bit and i hope maybe if i intro them to each other at a early stage they grow up together :)

but the squid hasnt been eating lately i hope to get an id for both of them so can research on both sp. so i know the extact info i need
nini said:
thats cool, i didnt know you could keep squid.


Bobtail squid are keepable. They aren't like the market squid with the long torpedo shaped bodies, they look more like cuttlefish. In fact we get quite a few people who SWEAR they saw a cuttle, but was actually a bobtail.
Live food (small mysids etc), sand bed to burrow into. Be prepared to never see it! They're VERY nocturnal! Also it might pay to have another tank ready in case your cuttle decides that the bobtail would make a nice snack!

Actual squid are MUCH harder to keep (almost impossible in a home aquarium!)

Good luck

Actual squid need ENORMOUS tanks! 1000's of Litres and they need very large quantities of live food, as an example I've found over 200 krill and 50 small fish as a single meal in a Southern Arrow squid (of about 19cm dorsal mantle length, it worked out at over 10% of their body weight in a single meal!) They have very specific requirements for tank and plumbing requirements too, eg cylindrical tanks, no pvc, spray bar flow from centre out etc etc etc. Steve & Co know heaps more!

thanks he finally ate last night when i was clubbing so i am happy
(left a shrimp with him now its not there) so iguess thats a good sign

thanks for the id on the squid :) i might put some sand into his house since its bare atm ... might help him to calm down

worst thing happened though last night i just realised when i making the tank stand 1 side is 900mm..... not 3ft sigh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! out of the tank will be sitting 8mm out each side or i gotta remake the stand >.
nani87 said:
anyone know a good site or details how to id an cuttle fish

As was pointed out on another thread, the volume of Cephalopods of the World that describes all species of cuttles has been put online:

The whole volume 1 is also available online: as a zip file of all the
PDFs at ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/a0150e/a0150e.zip or for
browsing at Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date.

The Cephalopod Page and tolweb are also useful resources.

Of course, you can also post pictures here-- there's a specific forum for "ID requests," or you could stick with this thread.

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