clumsy bimac?


Blue Ring
Jan 4, 2003
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We recently got a tank raised bimac from FishSupply.Com. He's only a couple of months old.

He's very clumsy compared to our last octopus. Several times I've seen him try to jet across the tank, but is still holding on to the glass with one or two legs. He kind of stumbles and makes one or two false starts before moving. I've seen him get his legs tangled too.

Is this typical for a young octopus? Will he grow out of it?

Your bimac is very young.

Have you looked at dbbga's accounts of her young bimac posted under Journals and Photos? It was having some coordination problems.

Bimacs may develop at different rates - there is so much that isn't known.

So don't give up on your bimac!

Re: clumsy bimac?

maractwin said:
We recently got a tank raised bimac from FishSupply.Com. He's only a couple of months old.

He's very clumsy compared to our last octopus. Several times I've seen him try to jet across the tank, but is still holding on to the glass with one or two legs. He kind of stumbles and makes one or two false starts before moving. I've seen him get his legs tangled too.

Is this typical for a young octopus? Will he grow out of it?


That sounds cute.
Im pretty sure it is normal for an octopus about 2 months old or more.
Thats what it said on the website it was 2 months of age.

So can u tell me how big your octopus is?
Mabye like 5 inches or so? I wanna know becuase im getting the exact same octopus that you have.
Well, octos have a pretty complex nervous system, maybe it just hasn't learnt to control them simultaneously yet. I'm sure it will act normally after a while
While a full-grown bimac has a 4-5 inch mantle, this guy is around 3/4 inch long, with legs no more than 1.5 inches.

How old do they have to be to sex them? This one doesn't look any different on the end of the 3rd right arm. But rather than assuming that means it's female, I'm guessing that the difference may not show until they are older.

maractwin said:
While a full-grown bimac has a 4-5 inch mantle, this guy is around 3/4 inch long, with legs no more than 1.5 inches.

How old do they have to be to sex them? This one doesn't look any different on the end of the 3rd right arm. But rather than assuming that means it's female, I'm guessing that the difference may not show until they are older.


Yea they might have 2 go through puberty. Ya never know.
Anyways every octopus I see at fishstores NEVER have anything different from the third right arm. Its always female. It's weird.
The modifications are quite tricky to see on the hectocotylus and so its easier on a bigger individual... i have only sucessfully seen this on one individual that i have had while it was alive, all the others were after it died, so its tricky at the best of times :)
Jam also had a time with coordination of his tent.s After a few weeks he had it down pat. Now he can move them were ever he wants :wink2: . Give yours alittle time and it will learn to use its tents perfectly :D

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