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Christmas shopping


TONMO Supporter
Mar 15, 2003
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How is everyone holding on out there??? I lucked out this year...for some odd reason, piercing jewelry with fairies and octopus are all the rage, which makes shopping for most of the people I know easy !!!
Ebay has some really neat octo items...if you haven't been there, I highly recommend you check them out!
CthulhuSanta, greg
i give whenever i am able, regardless of time of year. no arrogance here.. just that a. i am unable to at times prescribed by commercial enterprise; b. i like giving presents more than once a year. :)
Kind of the same vein here...I only give stuff I think a person is going to dig, no matter what day it is...but, ebay goes all out from thanksgiving to christmas (best time of year to buy stuff, you can always hang onto it and give it out later, if you want to make a statement...)
'sides, I looooove watching kids open presents!!!! (typically laid back on a couch with a nice strong eggnog)

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