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Cephalopod survey

Jun 17, 2014
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Hi all,

I am cephalopod scientist working in the UK on a book chapter (Cephalopod Enrichment) as part of a general invertebrate welfare book, and very curious as to your experiences with cephs as pets. I just want some very basic facts, like how much you have paid, where they come from and what cephs you have had. Nothing major and absolutely anonymous.I have no interest in using the information for or against keeping cephs as pets (from what I see the numbers kept are trivial and welfare way better than in science or aquaculture).

The survey is here and has 12 questions which can be answered in a few mins. It is just to get some background to the wider theme and not in anyway a major part of the chapter

Cephalopod survey

Many thanks for reading :)

I wish there was another option for where you obtained your pet - I obtained it through a Tonmo member - so kind of an online seller, but not really...
Thanks for taking part both. @DWhatley Good you noticed, and as you did it invalidates nothing but take your point and have changed them. Apparently its something often recommended when creating surveys so people do not get lazy and stop reading the q/a.

Thanks again :)

Heres a giff I made as thanks

awwh, 87 views and only 4 completed surveys - if you had all completed the survey I'd have enough to to say something interesting about what you guys are up to - would more cuttlefish/octos help bribe a few?!

please consider completing it, the hobbyist sector is all but unrecognised amongst the scientific and aquaculture communities!
The bribe worked for me. Something to remember most of the members are not here daily. Most of the members who have cephs at the moment are here more often.
I'm glad you're interested in home aquarists. I agree that they keep their cephalopods under far better conditions are than do many research labs and public aquariums. Also ceph hobbyists have many interesting behavior observations and interactions to report about.

I documented a number of my experiences with my O. bimaculoides as "Ollie Stories" in our book, Cephalopods: Octopuses and Cuttlefishes for the Home Aquarium, by Colin Dunlop and Nancy King. Some of these anecdotes were later included by Sy Montgomery in The Soul of an Octopus. And you'll find some interesting posts on this site about interaction between ceph keepers and their cephs.

Really like the photos you've posted!

I'm glad you're interested in home aquarists. I agree that they keep their cephalopods under far better conditions are than do many research labs and public aquariums. Also ceph hobbyists have many interesting behavior observations and interactions to report about.

I documented a number of my experiences with my O. bimaculoides as "Ollie Stories" in our book, Cephalopods: Octopuses and Cuttlefishes for the Home Aquarium, by Colin Dunlop and Nancy King. Some of these anecdotes were later included by Sy Montgomery in The Soul of an Octopus. And you'll find some interesting posts on this site about interaction between ceph keepers and their cephs.

Really like the photos you've posted!


Thanks, Nancy, I have to stay away from anecdotes as this is an academic text, which is why I need the survey data. Could you encourage your fellow ceph pet keepers to take part? Only have 5 respondents which is way too few to report anything. I would have read your book but the only copies I can find are $150 +!

There are at least two ways you guys can influence public aquaria in particular, can't say what as it will invalidate the survey but without participants, my thoughts won't be taken seriously :/

Have a phot for your troubles :)


Have you posted this on Reef Central Cephs section? I have not been there in some time but there used to be some traffic there. Just trying to help you get the numbers you need
Have you posted this on Reef Central Cephs section? I have not been there in some time but there used to be some traffic there. Just trying to help you get the numbers you need

Great idea but yeah, I have. Would it help to have it another forum on here? Maybe not as the home page seems to show all new threads. 140 odd views and only six responders. Need about a 100 to make it.
Strange because I was looking there as I had not been there in several months and did not see anything. Not sure why people would not want to take it.
Calling all past and present Tonmo ceph keepers!
If you haven't participated in this survey yet, please do!
( I did). The author will share information with us if he has enough people take the survey to have meaningful results.


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