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Cephalopod International Advisory Council 2006

Jean said:
I'm planning to, if I can save enough money! Plus my supervisors tell me I have to prsent a paper.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!


I'm planning on going, I'm trying to put something togeather if I have time, to present or make a poster. The reason I'm asking is to save money I was seeing if anyone wanted to share a room and car.

More details on the conference please

I'm in Melbourne and as Tasmania is just a short boat ride across some rough sea, I might go to have a sticky beak! I could be driver for several people (if someone else can navigate!). The last time I went to Tasmania I was 10, which was quite a while ago...

Jean said:
I'm planning to, if I can save enough money! Plus my supervisors tell me I have to prsent a paper.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!


You mean they want you to present but they're not paying for you to go???

I love geology :smile:

.... that's 121 days to raise funds for ... 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 5 people. Oh dear.:goofysca:

Bit of an AUT contingent going Jean: me, Kat, Jason, Felipe & Emma.

Kat's talking :mesonych:
I'm talking :archi:
Emma and Felipe are talking :whalevsa:
... and Jason is talking :baby: squid

We've gone some really cool smilies you know! Perhaps I'd best post pics of the ladies and gents that'll be participating next year. Could have some fun I could ... for a change!
Steve O'Shea said:

We've gone some really cool smilies you know! Perhaps I'd best post pics of the ladies and gents that'll be participating next year. Could have some fun I could ... for a change!


Have you heard if you're actually talking? I haven't and when I checked the website yesterday it said it would take a few more days! Hmmmm maybe I'l scoot over and have another wee look! I'm hoping to be talking Nototodarus (we need a smilie for that!). Also attending the Southern Ocean cephs workshop:grin: should be interesting!

Well it'll be great to meet the new people (Jean and co.) and see the old people (Steve, et al), not that I mean you're old...ummm....yeah.

Fun though anyways! Nice break from school, one heck of a flight though (Halifax to Hobart, thats 1...2...3...4....x... hours...). Definitely looking forward to it though if all things work out. See you there!


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