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Cephalopod feeding behaviors and fish remains


May 9, 2019
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Hi all,
I'm a UK paleontologist and at the moment I'm doing a bit of research into squid and cuttlefish as predators, and how this expresses itself in the fossil record. I know of a handful of fossils that show squid eating fish directly, although these are very rare.

Some of you may well know that when a cephalopod grabs a fish of sufficient size it will bite through the spinal cord at the back of the head. This will cause the head to fall off, and this is what I believe I have fossil evidence of. However I need more concrete proof than just a few fossils. I'm looking for videos of cuttlefish and squid biting the head off of their prey, as well as recordings of the full feeding process after this if anyone has them. Ideally I'd also want pictures of the remains of the fish after the fact (I'd take the dead fish pieces in person if I could).

I want to know; how much of the fish they'll typically eat; how the fish bones are dropped (i.e. is the spinal cord dropped whole or as individual vertebrae?); is the caudal fin also cut off?
The biggest thing I'm looking for is pictures of the fish's remains, so if you have a squid or cuttlefish as a pet, I'd really appreciate any pictures of it's fish dinner leftovers!

Thank you!

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