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CB briareus anyone?

Apr 20, 2005
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As some of you may now from my last thread I was thinking about breeding octopus. I recently ordered a young briareus octopus and he is doing awsome. When I ordered him I was offered another octopus briareus but I refused. Since then I have had second thoughts. I have the tank space ext. and this would mean I could breed them at a later date. The problem is:
- fighting
- 2x the octopus food
- 2x the waist
- 2x the chance of an excape.
But if done wright:
-2x the sightings
-10x cooler behavior
What I can do to help is have two tanks (which I do). have a large tank (which I do). Have lots
of Live rock and stuff to build dens which would lighten the fighting a bit.

my larger tank is 90 gallons, my medium is 30 and my small is a 10 sump. tell me what you think. Im not heart set on this but it has crossed my mind and I wanted to see what you guys thought.

Clownfish, it is very difficult to breed and raise octopuses successfully. The people best equipped to do this live near sources of food (the ocean) and have previous experience with raising cephs from eggs.

So I wouldn't encourge you at this point - just concentrate on learning more in keeping your tanks and octopus. You've learned a lot in the past year and it shows.

Good news is that we do have someone who fits these criteria who will trying to breed bimacs. If he is successful, they may be available by the fall or winter.

I'd say go for it if you have the resources to do so. It would seem there is a decent demand for CB octos and while it may not be financially lucrative, it could be very good for the hobby as a whole. Though like most endeavors like this, it should be done right.

Nancy said:
it is very difficult to breed and raise octopuses successfully.

Very true but I have been thinking about breeding octopus for a wile.

The people best equipped to do this live near sources of food (the ocean)
Not necessarily true. If I can set up a breeding tank for mysid shrip or some other food I could create enough food to feed baby octopuses. I do live about 45 minutes from the coast.

and have previous experience with raising cephs from eggs.
Which was plan A.

So I wouldn't encourge you at this point - just concentrate on learning more in keeping your tanks and octopus. You've learned a lot in the past year and it shows.
thank you,
I did have past experince in the hobby. about 3 years just not with cephs

Good news is that we do have someone who fits these criteria who will trying to breed bimacs. If he is successful, they may be available by the fall or winter.

I am very passionate about cephs and wouldn’t want to do anything bad to one. That’s one of the main reasons I want to raise them. I defiantly wouldn’t want to go against one of the staffs wishes. Maybe I could get some eggs and raise them instead of breeding octopus.either way I would very much like to help the community out.

clownfish said:
Not necessarily true. If I can set up a breeding tank for mysid shrip or some other food I could create enough food to feed baby octopuses. I do live about 45 minutes from the coast.

I don't think you have a handle on how much food you need. If you read the cuttlefish threads you know that we go through about 100 shrimp in a few days. And we don't have that many cuttles.

If you want to breed octopus, you're going to need more than "a breeding tank," you're going to need 20 breeding tanks. And that will only get you through the first month.

45 minutes isn't near the coast. Are your parents willing to drive you an hour and a half round trip plus an hour gathering food every day?
Food is definatly a major thing. and I was planning on setting up several shrimp breeding tanks. But I guess I won't try to raise eggs.

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