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Callistoctopus macropus suitable for home aquarium?


Blue Ring
Feb 24, 2018
Reaction score
Hi there,

our local fish store today told us they were offered an octopus labeled as "Callistoctopus macropus". Nothing of this animal is known, size, origin etc... Some research on Callistoctopus made us a bit sceptic:
- night-active?
- difficult to feed?
- can get really huge?

So, would you advise that we should stay in touch and get more information, or should we abandon the idea?

... that said, I was unable tu run a search in the forums ... where has the "search" button gone???

thanks for any input!
Kristina and Benjie
Interesting that the pet store would use that name or have even heard of it. Yes, we have had numerous octos come from the Philippines (we think) that seem to fit this description and have done well in a tank. Sadly, they are VERY nocturnal and require a keeper with an odd schedule to enjoy. Here are a couple of the journals
Brainiac II
Puddles (one of my favorite)
Sorry I’m late to this post! Agreed that it’s amazing that the store could give such an accurate ID. I’ve had one before, and it was SUPER NOCTURNAL! I only saw it when I stayed up late. I haven’t had one since- not enough of a night owl for it.

HOWEVER, lights are much different now than the ones I had then. If you’ve got some good red lightning, you keep it on ALL night, and you’re a night owl, it’s a beautiful species!
Thank you for your input, unfortunately the animal was no longer available when we came back to the store after some days of research. I would have given it a shot ... maybe there'll be an opportunity again.
Thank you for your input, unfortunately the animal was no longer available when we came back to the store after some days of research. I would have given it a shot ... maybe there'll be an opportunity again.
Check out Live Aquaria- they frequently get macropus in listed as “Indonesian” octopus. It’s a crap shoot with them, frequently they have aculeatus or other Abdopus species that are crepuscular and very interactive!

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