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Bristleworm Population


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
My 24 yr. old son has been harrassing not G2 but the worm population in G2's tank. He asked me to get feedback on whethor it's healthy for the tank to have possably hundreds of worms, who I consider my cleanup crew residing quite happily with G2. I told him I would post and get opinions on whether my opinion that the worms are good and help maintain the tank are correct! And in Elmers tank, an old octo tank originally, I think the Bird Wrasse has been digging for them. I really haven't noticed that tanks population of worms at all since Elmer resides there. What does everyone think?
I guess as long as they don't hurt the octo, and he leaves them alone, they are fine...will have to rethink my opinion of them, as coming from a reef backround, they were to be killed on sight ! We don't get as many of them here from live rock as you all do back east, it seems...the last tank didn't have any, as far as I could tell.

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