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bobtail squid care and availability

Sorry, but I don't recall any being on sale in this country. We did have someone in Australia who caught his own, but that was some years ago. They are not supposed to be so very interesting to keep in an aquarium.

There was someone in New Hampshire who sold them but I haven't heard about him in an age and I'd love to have one...My cousin lives in Hawaii. I'm going to ask her if she can find any....I'll let you know.
If we are thinking of the same species, then they are pretty common on the north pacific coast of North America/Canada during the winter months in bay areas. I heard that one of the aquariums in that area has been keeping successfully for several years.
Actually there are a bunch of "Bobtail Squids" 21 according to Mark Normans book.

Rossia pacifica is the Stubby squid

Euprymna scolopes is the Hawiian Bobtail squid

Euprymna berryi is called Berry's bobtail squid

Euprymna tasmanica also called the Southern bobtail squid from Southern Australia

Euprymna morsei the Japanese Bobtail squid

Heteroteithis hawaiiensis from central and western Pacific

Heteroteithis dispar from the subtropical Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

Indoteuthis japonica from southern japan and china

Irisotheuthis Iris from around Hawaii

Rossia macrosoma from Northern Europe and Greenland and south to Western Africa

Sepietta oweniana from western Norway to the Mediterranean Sea including Northern Africa

Sepiola atlantica from the northeast Atlantic ocean from Iceland to Arica

Sepiola birostrato from Southern Japan to Hong Kong

Sepiola ligulata from the Med. and Adriatic seas

Sepiola sp. 1 only from SW Australia

Stoloteuthis leocoptera from the North Atlantic

Sepiadarium austrinum from Southern Australia

Sepiadarium kochi from Japan to India and east to Papa New Guinea, also called the Tropical Bobtail Squid.

Sepiadarium sp 1. also called Lace bobtail squid and distributed through south and southwestern Australia

Sepioloidea lineolata called the stripped Pajama Squid from S. Australia

Wow that's alot of bobtails! and i'm still missing one but my eyes are blurry and my fingers are tired, LOL!

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