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Are there any blue ring octo videos to be found?

Not personally, but I think there may be a segment in Incredible Suckers that shows blue rings (if memory serves, crawling on someones (gloved!) hand!

J :bluering: :goofysca:
I remember seeing one scene on either Animal Planet or Discovery Channel, A blue ring octo was being harassed by some fish and started flashing the rings. Sorry I can't help much though.
Yes, Incredible Suckers does have a section on the Blue Ringed Octopus. It not only crawls on someone's gloved hand, but there is also a segment where it kills a mantis shrimp.

I have seen it featured in other videos, too - one I remember is about the 10 most venemous creatures, and it, of course, was one.

Nancy said:
Yes, Incredible Suckers does have a section on the Blue Ringed Octopus. It not only crawls on someone's gloved hand, but there is also a segment where it kills a mantis shrimp.

I have seen it featured in other videos, too - one I remember is about the 10 most venemous creatures, and it, of course, was one.

oh, where is the dangerouss creatures video from??
Just watched an Aussie programme called "killer instinct "on Sunday night and the blue ring was featured. The frontsperson (what is it with these Aussies?) gets chewed by crocs, carniverous marsupials, wanders barefoot through snake and spider infested bush, handles box jellies and kisses a stonefish ( :shock: ) but even he wears gloves to handle the blue ring!!!!!


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