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Architeuthis @ Mote Aquarium


Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
I was lucky enough to go to the west coast of Florida a couple of weeks ago and while there I went to the Mote Aquarium, Sarasota. :goldfish:

It was very worthwhile, and the Mollusc area featured a preserved giant squid. :squid: The body was c.5 ft, tentacles maybe 10-15 ft (folded I think) so maybe twice that in life. It was very impressive, but did lack some of the sleek appearance of live squid. The cuttlefish had hidden which was a pity. And there was a little hand sized octopus which had squeezed up between a rock and the glass.

The hands-on exhibit was very good - you could touch urchins, horseshoe crabs etc. It was great, I never knew how fast urchins moved, well ok it wasn't fast :snail: about the same as a centipede, but you could feel the spines moving! There were staff on hand to answer questions and make sure the creatures stayed under water at all times. The web site is good and you can take an online tour

Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium

They also serve as a rescue centre for sick or injured sea mammals :cry: and have two manatees at the moment - (Oh the manatee!!)

If you're in the area you should go, :thumbsup: - Geoff
(excuse the outbreak of art, I just found the emoticon page - kewl!!)
Geoff, you say you were touching up an urchin?

How positively Victorian of you!
Re: Architeuthis @ Mote Aquarium

GeoffC said:
(Oh the manatee!!)

I've got a stuffed one named Hugh... ;)

Although I haven't been to Mote myself (yet) I can put in a good word for the Florida Aquarium in Tampa as well. Beautiful exhibits, ranging from mangrove swamp to deep sea, and an open atrium with a variety of cool seabirds on the loose.
Plus you can take a virtual tour in a submersible![/quote]

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