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Archi pics: nice one Kat!

Great article. What surprised me most about the blogs about the archi photos were the number of posts to the effect that now we know the giant squid is not a myth. guess they all slept through bio class.
bigGdelta said:
Great article. What surprised me most about the blogs about the archi photos were the number of posts to the effect that now we know the giant squid is not a myth. guess they all slept through bio class.

My bio classes never mentioned giant squids. In fact, I'm continually finding stuff that was grossly oversimplified in my bio classes... OTOH, I've seen pictures of actual giant squid wash-ups and the like since I was a kid, so I did know it's not a myth. I remember at Steinhart (sp?) Aquarium in San Fransico when I was a kid, they had a picture and some "eyes as big as dinner plates" facts...
chrono_war01 said:
did they mention the "as long as a double decker bus" part?

not that I remember; I think they talked about epic battles with sperm whales, though...

Terrific article Kat! I'm so glad you addressed the non-issue of Steve's alleged disappointment. I guess the reporters are projecting their own competitiveness onto him. Reporters are notorious for wanting to get a "scoop".
I was a reporter 15 years ago -- trust me, they all suffer from the "watergate" complex -- they know around the corner is the big story that will make them legendary. Some even sacrifice their ethics in this pursuit as we have read in the news recently. It's almost the same kind of mindset as a gambler -- the next one is the big one...
Again, excellent article Kat! A clear and concise summary of the events, but still maintaining the aura of what is to come..."And he's still committed to trying to raise baby giants in captivity!"


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