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? Anyone know what this is ?

Aug 15, 2005
does anyone have an id for this, or know anything about it


  • conv_302476.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 112
Hmmmm 'Say What You See' is a good idea so I think it should be called...

The Hairy Octopus.

You'd never mistake for another species!

errr are there any more Hairy looking Octopus?


Can we have a Hairy Octopus Smilie?
CapnNemo said:
Hmmmm 'Say What You See' is a good idea so I think it should be called...

The Hairy Octopus.

You'd never mistake for another species!

errr are there any more Hairy looking Octopus?


Can we have a Hairy Octopus Smilie?

I think it's traditional to name it in pig-latin, or something like that. Anyway, this is a very sophisticated, deliberate process-- you can't just, say, see a critter you think is creepy looking after you've been reading Anne Rice books and decide to call it something goofy like "Infernal Vampire Squid," right? :wink2: :vampyro:

Maybe on that theme, it should be the "Scary Werewolf Octopus," Lycanthropus Frightfulus? Or the "Mellow Hippie Octopus" Furryfreakbropus Fabulosus?

Why they don't put me in charge of these things, I have no idea...:roll:
monty said:
Maybe on that theme, it should be the "Scary Werewolf Octopus," Lycanthropus Frightfulus? Or the "Mellow Hippie Octopus" Furryfreakbropus Fabulosus?

Why they don't put me in charge of these things, I have no idea...:roll:

I think they should put you in charge!
"Mellow Hippie Octopus" Furryfreakbropus Fabulosus it shall always be, at least to me.
Friends of mine saw the hairy octopus in a field guide to Ambon for sale in an Indonesian airport in the late 90's (and they didn't buy it?!)-- and I thought they were pulling my leg until it showed up in Norman's World Guide. It is extremely rare(ly seen) in Lembeh and Okinawa. Only a couple of museum specimens exist, and it doesn't have a scientific name yet. I have never seen one, but my diver friends who have say it just sits there and doesn't do much of anything. A really cool looking animal, but as far as aquarium pets are concerned, a tuft of algae might be just as exciting.

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