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world's oceans more acidic than they have been in hundreds of millenia

That is the saddest thing that I have read all day. I heard that all the fish in the ocean will be gone by 2050 because of over fishing and pollution, but it sounds like things will happen sooner than that. How can we fix it? Why do countries continue to pollute when it will only destroy this planet?
Heather Braid;105215 said:
That is the saddest thing that I have read all day. I heard that all the fish in the ocean will be gone by 2050 because of over fishing and pollution, but it sounds like things will happen sooner than that. How can we fix it? Why do countries continue to pollute when it will only destroy this planet?

Because the shareholders might be troubled. And, of course, the end of time is measured by the guilty in terms of the next fiscal quarter, so that justifies everything. Man, I love living in a convenient, consumerist, Capitalistic state, but who's going to profit when all the riches are gone? Jeez, can't we manage things so there can still be rich folks a few generations from now? Don't the shareholders give a @#*$!!! about their own grandchildren? Don't they want them to enjoy lobster or oyster Rockefeller?

It's all evil older b**tards that can't grow old and die fast enough, and younger ones who have learned nothing. They listen to too much AM radio in the morning. Try a classical station instead. I dunno, classic rock, classical music, whatever, but whenever you hear somebody talking on the car radio, immediately change the station to something musical. Even if it was just a commercial.

I don't know. I gave up on humanity long, long ago. Sad, really, considering all that we're capable of.
It's because $$Ka ching$$ makes the world go around! It's very possible the shareholders don't need to worry about their grandchildren for a long long time what with the opportunity to slip into a cryogenic tank and wake up after 50 years, still young and lively.
We claim to be the most superior beings on this planet and through our selfishness and our participation in this rat race to reach the top, we have actually overlooked the fact that as a species ourselves, we have brought this world into absolute disaster due to our never ending quest for materialistic things and monopolizing every possible resource.
There isn't a whole lot one can possibly do to reverse everything but be a passive spectator..
erich orser;105869 said:
It's all evil older b**tards that can't grow old and die fast enough, and younger ones who have learned nothing. They listen to too much AM radio in the morning. Try a classical station instead. I dunno, classic rock, classical music, whatever, but whenever you hear somebody talking on the car radio, immediately change the station to something musical. Even if it was just a commercial.

:old: Have I not repeatedly said, we need more love and :diamond_trans: in this world! If we did then we wouldn't be in the mess that we are.
Since we're all on soapboxes here, I must chime in with this: There are no innocents. Everyone of us is guilty of turning a blind eye somewhere. I think the real problem is the concentration of power, which is a game that's been played since the beginning of civilization. We can't blame just a few generations, we have to go all the way back. No matter our individual intelligence, we are still a collection of mobs.:twocents:

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