What up guys, great to be here! Anyway, on to my problem. I purchased an octo (species unknown, but its the same as ruprect, the first pic in the octo images) about 2 months ago from a local fish store. In the beginning he did fine in his new home. He ate well and established a nice home inside our live rock. WE fed him crayfish every 2 days and he was starting to come out and eat in front of my roommates and i instead of waiting until we went to bed to devour his meal. Anyway, lately he hasnt been eating. We have added a few tank mates (clown, trigger, gobie, cowfish, damsel) and it seems like he has stopped eating when these were added. I know it was a risk to add these fish, due to the fact that he would eat them, but i have noticed that he seems somewhat timid when he is out and they are swimming around. I have tried to vary his diet (feeder fish, shrimp, blue crabs) but nothing seems to work. My water levels are fine so i dont think that is a problem. I am starting to get worried because it has been about a week and a half since he has eaten a meal. Any help would be great. Thanks