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Welcome to the Arts & Crafts forum!


Staff member
May 30, 2000
Reaction score
Nancy has long suggested this forum; I'm sorry it has taken so long to build. This is the place to *dsicuss* ceph-related arts & crafts. (It's not a place to buy, sell or trade individual items (keep that in Marketplace, please). If you're looking to sell bulk items, please contact me re: advertising.)

I'll move some old discussions related to this topic into this forum. Enjoy!
Is the intent for TONMO member art or just any ceph arts and crafts. I was hoping you would create a Just for TONMOers area since we have some very talented artists that work with different medium. If this is the intent could we rename it to something more like TONMOers' Artistic Ceph Creations to distinguish the thread. If I have the thought right, I will volunteer to dig up some of our artistic work and copy/move the posts :gigas:
It is meant to cover both, but I'm sure most of the submissions will be from TONMO'ers, which is great. In addition (and perhaps more appropriately), perhaps some of our talented folks here will also share their creations via a Blog; that would be neat.
To help this along, you'll see prefixes added that you can select when you create a new thread in this forum. The two prefixes are:

[Created by Me]: Thread title here

[Not Created by Me]: Thread title here

Thread prefixes are optional when you create a thread.

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