The largest squid are now 3-4x the size of the smallest, and thankfully the egg mass from which they were hatching is exhausted (as in no more squid for ~ a week, at least until the next egg mass starts to hatch :| ). There would be at least 400 on display right now.
Mortality is basically zero (pretty much unprecedented success), but their ever-changing dietary requirements are such that a full tides (4hrs) collecting of live foodstuffs today is already exhausted (in ~ 1hr). Moreover, growth is so fast that I don't believe the mysid shrimp that we've been feeding them are any longer appropriate in either nutritional value or size, so tomorrow we're about to collect (hopefully) a squillion small, introduced fresh-water fish species (Gambusia), otherwise known as the mosquito fish, that can tolerate marine salinity, and a trillion glass shrimp to keep them going through this next rather-challenging week.
The squid went on public display a couple of days ago, and hordes of people gather to look through the viewing window; basically people like squid. Makes me feel rather good. Still haven't got around to posting pics though; I am slack; you can hit me with a rotten fish come TONMOcon!
Here's hoping there are a few more Tonmo recruits as a consequence! There's nice TONMO signage there.