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VIDEO - Marcus & the crab


Blue Ring
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
I thought that I would see how Marcus reacted to the crab in the tupperware container. The video shows how much he wanted the crab, but just couldn't fit it into his den. He gave it his best shot :lol:

Click on the image to view the video

hahaha funny you posted this....i was considering putting beaker's crab in a tupperware just like that, but i was worried he wouldn't be successful at opening it. did your little guy ever get the crab out?
DrBatty;81779 said:
hahaha funny you posted this....i was considering putting beaker's crab in a tupperware just like that, but i was worried he wouldn't be successful at opening it. did your little guy ever get the crab out?

He hasn't gone back to it after it wouldn't fit into his den. I don't know whether he has given up or is resting for a second attempt?????

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