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This time im thinking oficilias

Aug 15, 2005
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Well i had a bandensis a couple months ago but it got in an unfortunate accident with the power head. Now im thining of putting an oficialis in my 155 gal reef.

Any special deffrinces between the two species that i need to know, or any special tips. (that arnt on the cephcare page)
You ought to question Colin, because of his experience with officionalis(forgive the spelling).
Ive kept both species...other then the size requirements, the officanalis just need cooler temperatures. They can live in upper 70s, but it will shorten thier life span. I actually really like this species...Very playful and very cute! For the first 5-6 months, you can keep one in a 55-75 gallon tank..after that, you will need something much larger..
i plan to keep it in my 155 gal reef, temp maintained at 75. i know that he will eventualy eat them, but does anyone have any real objections if i leave my school of chromis's that i currently have in there with him. (11). ohh and paradox you recieved you officialias from octopets? if so how large was it when you got it. also do you see any proublems with me haveing only accientic lighting on the tank. or would The cuttle prefer full spectrum.
Well, to start with, the main difference between a bandensis and a OFFICINALIS is size, and there is quite a large difference. An officinalis can grow to around 6 times the size of a bandensis. Make sure the tank is long enough to accomodate the officinalis, the tank will probably need less live rock and other obstructions compared to the bandensis to prevent butt burn.

In a 155g tank, it's best to keep only one officinalis. Plus, the temperature must be lowered to around 20 C as officinalis are temperate creatures. And of course, you gotta feed it alot more.

Hope this helps
In a 200gal tank i had, i eventually thought it was getting cramped for just one officinalis but i guess that a 150 will do for quite a long time, but be warned if its for a reef tank it will pollute it pretty quickly without a huge filter and skimmer! Bandensis could be classed as being reasonably reef friendly but not officinalis.

BUT, if you do go for an officinalis you will be rewarded with a species that is ultimately much more interactive and rewarding than bandensis.

I think you would be better sticking with bandensis under the circumstances :)
Getting a temp that high won't really mean you'll get as much out of them as you would do at a lower temp, meaning that you'd probably get the same interaction from bandies as the offs wouldn't be ideal and wouldn't las t as long.

I used to max my tanks at 15 C for Offs and they all did fine and lasted for a long long time!
Most of the adults which came in were gravid females so they didn't last too long but the captive bred young we would keep for around a year before they would move off to another centre where they could usually get another couple of years out of them. They could also be induced to breed by altering temperature and lighting periods.

I'll have a look back through my records to get you a more accurate figure. I've moved companies now to a large marine wholesaler so i'll have to see what I can come up with!


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