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The architeuthis light switch cover


Apr 12, 2004
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  • conv_302564.jpg
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That's fantastic. I'd be quite apprehensive turning the light on, being forced to stick my finger in the beak. Does it come with a Captain Nemo finger puppet?
sorseress said:
That's really great, Toren. You ought to market them.

They are 10.99, which isn't bad, as metal light switch covers cost about 4-7 bucks as is...so one with a squid on it? Deal !
cthulhu77 said:
They are 10.99, which isn't bad, as metal light switch covers cost about 4-7 bucks as is...so one with a squid on it? Deal !

I don't mean to take sales away from Toren's beautiful work, but while we're on the topic of switchplate covers there is an outfit in Colorado that sells beautiful ones cut from fossiliferous limestone from Pakistan. They cost about $8 and my fiancee and I buy a bunch whenever we're at the Geological Society of America annual meeting where they have a vendor display. I can't find any pictures of the plate covers, but you can see what the rock looks like in this (lousy) photo from their website(the limestone is on the right): mortars and pestles in limestone and marble

cthulhu77 said:
They are 10.99, which isn't bad, as metal light switch covers cost about 4-7 bucks as is...so one with a squid on it? Deal !

Yeah, for CafePress that means I get between 2-3 bucks. I'm open to other merch suggestions!
This is extremely cool, so much so that I will not remove it for violating our guideline of no solicitations in the public forums... but I must lock it! Please refer to site guidelines at the top of each forum subject listing, or just click here. Thanks for sharing just the same, Toren!
Yes, thanks! For newcomers... this thread was resurrected with the advent of the re-opening of the Marketplace forum.
Well I actually went ahead and ordered some for myself (finally) and they came in the mail yesterday. I was trepidatious about Cafepress quality but I must say they really turned out nice! I know my opinion isn't exactly neutral but I can assure you that if you like the design that you see in this thread, you'll be happy with the finished product.

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