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Steve O'Shea: Marine Biologist, Sensitive Music Lover


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May 30, 2000
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Dr. Steve O'Shea's name has appeared in many science journals and periodicals. But I would venture to guess that this is the first time he's received press coverage in the Entertainment section, for his thoughts on music... Steve's quote is about 70% of the way down in this article:

National anthems

I believe this phenomenon can be explained via the following equation:

(:grad: + :meso:) / (:elvis: + :headphon:) * { :band: } = :madsci:
Sheeeeeeeeeeee :oops: sh

Good guess Tony - this was certainly the first (and probably the last) time anyone sought my counsel on music.

Elvis has not left the building
Wow, Steve-o...you're a Prominent Kiwi now!

Hmmm...prominent...prominent...where is that dictionary...oh, yeah, here it is!

Prominent: 1 : standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line : PROTUBERANT 2 a : readily noticeable : CONSPICUOUS.

Hm. I see. I wonder if the ammonia has anything to do with that...


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