friends, be not too harsh upon the humble starling
for many a pestulent six legger has succumbed to their urgent attention
saving the poor & weary farmers
winters of shivers & famine (though they do poo a lot !)
we've red kites, big eagley things, kestrels coming out of ear'oles, big owls, small owls, little owls, woodpeckers, great egrets blah blah blue tits, coal tits, tit tits (naturist camp in Ste. Hermine), greenfinches, goldfinches, bullfinches, finchfinches blah blah, peewits by the miwwion
blah blah & we got thrush too, sorry thrushes !
Phil, sell your castle & move to France where QOL comes 1st ! & the work ethic con has been rumbled long since.