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Squiggly interacts


Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Today squiggly was a little piggly he ate a red leg hermit crab a piece of fresh scallop and tried to get another hermit but it proved too challanging for him seeing as this one had a much heavier and larger shell he wasnt able to pull him out, either that or he was just playing with the crab. After that while he was out I put the feeding stick in and we played tug of war and he also had fun sticking his arms individually one at a time up the center of the feeding stick, the feeding stick is made out of rigid air line tubing. After our little game of tug of war I placed my finger on the front of the tank and he came over and was trying to grab it through the glass he did this for about 15 minutes. After all that I decided to give the little guy a rest I dont want to over do it seeing as it is only our 3rd day together. Unfortunatly I couldnt get a picture of him trying to grab my finger seeing that I have a sore throat and couldnt yell loud enough for some 1 to bring me my camera phone.
Re: Squiggly interacts

Chameleon said:
Unfortunatly I couldnt get a picture of him trying to grab my finger seeing that I have a sore throat and couldnt yell loud enough for some 1 to bring me my camera phone.

Bummer. I'd love to see a picture (better yet, a video) of that.
Sounds like you two are having fun together! Can't believe he's interacting so fast though, your so lucky! good luck with him.
Hes still a little shy but im sure that will change in the days to come, its almost like he is playing games with me when I turn around he will come out of his hole quickly so I dont notice him then he slowly creeps around the tank seeing if I will notice. When I do he goes back to his hole but doesnt go in at first, he waits to see if I have anymore food for him, the little porker. If I have no food to offer he reluctantly re-enters his hole and sits there with 1 little eye and 1 arm watching me and waiting for the food stick to come.
Hi Chameleon,

Sounds like Squiggly has a very outgoing personality. It's excellent that you're able to interact with him so much at such an early age.


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