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Squid or Jellyfish?


Feb 2, 2004
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I spotted this pic of a phallic-looking sea beast labelled as "giant squid" while browsing a random nature blog:

A Welsh View

The image source is originally from pya.cc which I cannot read at all.


Looks more like some type of jellyfish to me, but I am no expert.
Look like a massive jelly to me as well, but then I'm not an expert either.
Looks like a giant jelly to me too, but I'm no expert either :wink2: . It could be something as bizarre as the first-reported adult Promachoteuthis. Without a better pic we'll never know.
I'm no expert, but I play one on TV, and he would say it's a giant jellyfish, or a mushroom. The original source page is a Japanese blog, and I had no luck at parsing trusty Babelfish's translation.
Clem said:
I'm no expert, but I play one on TV, and he would say it's a giant jellyfish, or a mushroom. The original source page is a Japanese blog, and I had no luck at parsing trusty Babelfish's translation.

that'd be even better than a new species of giant squid - first discovery of pelagic mushrooms!
Snafflehound said:
that'd be even better than a new species of giant squid - first discovery of pelagic mushrooms!

I think that type of mushroom is known to science-- it can be found in Super Mario Brothers...
If it was a squid, then it must have at least more than 20 arms or tentacles, no fins and no eyes.

Then it should be a jellyfish.

and that does not look ver big to me compared to THIS:
If that thing in the water is a squid, then it is a squid that have at least more than 20 arms or tentacles, no fins and no eyes.

Then I think that it is NOT a squid, but actually a jellyfish.

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