Hi there!
I have Trusty for more than 4 months. He/she is a S. Latimanus I think and is about 10-12cm long in ML now. Lately I've been thinking if I should try to find him/her a mate, you know..for reasons like its such a beautiful creature but such short live span n hoping that his/her legacy would live on n stuffs like that....
Couples of worries i have
Trusty still too juvenile to mate?
Can't sex them. Get a few n let maths work it out?
May not get the same size. Too big or too small n they will gobble each other up.
Trusty turns out to be male. Fight and injure and die.
Really, the last thing I want is to loose Trusty.
Any opinion would be most welcome
I have Trusty for more than 4 months. He/she is a S. Latimanus I think and is about 10-12cm long in ML now. Lately I've been thinking if I should try to find him/her a mate, you know..for reasons like its such a beautiful creature but such short live span n hoping that his/her legacy would live on n stuffs like that....
Couples of worries i have
Trusty still too juvenile to mate?
Can't sex them. Get a few n let maths work it out?
May not get the same size. Too big or too small n they will gobble each other up.
Trusty turns out to be male. Fight and injure and die.
Really, the last thing I want is to loose Trusty.
Any opinion would be most welcome