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Seeking Research Participants (Please Help!)

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Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
We are currently conducting research on people's preferences for various types of educational science programming. In order for this research to be successful we need input from a wide range of science enthusiasts.

Please take a few moments to complete our survey at:

and feel free to pass this information/link on to other science enthusiasts who may also be interested in assisting us with this research.

As a way of saying "thanks" for your help you'll be entered in a drawing for a chance to win one of three (3) one-hundred dollar prizes (winners will be drawn at random from all completed surveys submitted by November 3rd).

For additional information feel free to call 1-800-429-9371 or (312)604-0880.

Thanks for your time and help!


Melissa Oglesby
Research Coordinator

Melissa Oglesby / Rockman Et Al
"Bringing Technology and Learning Together"
560 W. Washington, Suite 2N; Chicago, IL 60661
phone(312) 604-0880 fax(312) 604-0879 toll free(800) 429-9371
Home – Rockman et al Cooperative
That is a rather interesting questionnaire Melissa. We've not quite had a post like this online before. I'm pleased that it is a little more academic than the usual, cold-call multi-choice phone questionnaire I seem to get (too often); I think it well worthy of response.

Would you provide us some feedback at the end of it? I'm sure that would be interesting to all online/those who participate.

I'll spend a few mins on it shortly.
hmmm... I filled out the questions, but I am not sure if it submitted or not...the button clicked, but nothing happened !
Cool survey though.
Same here, for some reason the information did not submit and I got an error message.
good to know im not the only one it happened to....
I'm locking this thread, since it's really kind of a solicitation... truth be told, it should probably be removed... In the future, if someone wants to promote something, please contact me directly first. I want to keep these forums solicitation-free for obvious reasons, and there are other ways to go about this... Thanks!
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