Rise up against the system


Sepia elegans
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Jan 6, 2005
Dancing between Vancouver and Auckland
This is what they made me do in bio class! I had to disect a poor helpless squid! I say we rise up against the education system and BAN SQUID DISECTION!a! ... actually I volunteered! I wanted to be "Steve O'Shea" for a day! (Don't we all) Anyway, disecting the squid was totally fun, and I was consoled knowing that the squid were already dead!


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Now you have dissected one of these beasties, I think you should label that third picture for us pointing out the internal features.

Oh go on, you know you want to.

:biggrin2: WEEELLL...

It's obvious that the mantle cavity is the big open area (Which is really slimy... but fun to poke) And the silvery blotch is the ink sac... gills beside the ink sac, kinda whitish. Eyes... obvious... arms... obvious... suckers... REALLY OBVIOUS... beak... as Tako would say "not in a TV freindly place" As for the other stuff... intestines, reproductive organs, etc. My squid was a guy!:mrgreen:
*sigh* Yeah, sometimes dissection blows. The problem is that, it is a good teaching tool for the understanding of organisms, including human beings. I know a lot of med students who work on cadavers, and they say the same thing.

The thing is that dissection is only helpful when backed up by good lesson plans and a good instructor. Since I know nothing of your school, I can't say anything about that.

I sympathize with you, however.

After the first 100 squid dissections you get kinda used to it....then you get enthusiastic......then you get obssessed.............where am I on this spectrum...............I'll let you guess! Shouldn't be too hard!!!:biggrin2:

Jean said:
After the first 100 squid dissections you get kinda used to it....then you get enthusiastic......then you get obssessed.............where am I on this spectrum...............I'll let you guess! Shouldn't be too hard!!!:biggrin2: J

Uh oh then, I think I started at the "excited" stage on dissection #1! What does that mean for #100 and greater? Or does that just make me callous? Either way it works for me! :biggrin2:

Great pictures, and I agree with everyone previous that the first picture is quite funny. I sure wish I had done squid dissection in my school!

main_board said:

Uh oh then, I think I started at the "excited" stage on dissection #1! What does that mean for #100 and greater? Or does that just make me callous? Either way it works for me! :biggrin2:

Great pictures, and I agree with everyone previous that the first picture is quite funny. I sure wish I had done squid dissection in my school!


Oh yes but my first squid dissection was a large, VERY VERY VERY stinky spent female Moroteuthis ingens well over 600mm dml and it oozed through my fingers leaving a kind of ammonia/deadfish scented slime on my hands.........not exciting............but incredibly interesting..........exciting came later when I recovered from the fumes!!!!!


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