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Steve O'Shea

TONMO Supporter
Staff member
Nov 19, 2002
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If anyone is interested in pursuing (postgraduate) studies on cephalopods (octopus and squid) then I have a couple of rather interesting Masters (MSc) and Doctoral (PhD) research ideas that I'd like to see someone working on. We also have undergraduate marine biology degrees here - so even then you could play away with squid and octopus to your hearts content. We are based in Auckland, New Zealand, at the Auckland University of Technology, and although our department is not huge, it is building, with some very interesting science being done.

Subjects that I would like people to work on include systematics, comparative and functional morphology, life history, conservation and culture of cephalopods.

Available to us are some rather comprehensive museum collections of specimens (and these are constantly being expanded), and access to vessels. The collections contain many poorly known deep-sea species, and a few that are entirely new. We are also working away on techniques to keep some of these deep-sea squid and octopus alive.

If you are interested then please drop me a line. I cannot promise funding at this point in time, but am working on developing research scholarships. So, to reiterate, please don't get your hopes up, no promises as far as funding is concerned at this point in time.

I must say that New Zealand is truly a wonderful country, even if there are a lot of sheep!



Dr Steve O'Shea
Senior Research Fellow
Earth & Oceanic Sciences Research Institute
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006 Auckland

Ph: 64-9-917-9999 extn 8244
Fax: 64-9-917-9973
email: [email protected]

I would have to talk it over with my wife, but I would love to be in. I am re-applying to Humboldt State University this year as a Senior undergraduate in Marine Biology and Zoology, with a possible minor in psychology. How does behavioural work sound?

My one and only research internship was at Kennedy Space Center in the summer of 1996 with Florida AMU's Space Life Sciences Training program. I worked in the ecological monitoring program.

Well, we'll see either way. And if funding continues, I would like to consider a future application to your institution. Thanks for the heads up!

Sushi and Sake,

i can definitely say my interest is piqued, but i have to knock out this pesky undergrad work.... plus itd be a SLIGHT change in direction (not that its a bad thing, but does make things tougher)
I'm much in the same "tank" here as you folks...this is an interesting and fascinating opportunity, but I really must hammer out my Master's. :| Maybe things would be a bit different a year from now. Boy, it sure would be fun working with you guys! :heee: :notworth:


When are you guys gonna go out and catch more Giant Squid Larvae? I watched that show on the Discovery Channel and It blew my mind. I wanna see you catch one and keep it alive so the world can watch it grow into a Giant and observe it alive. And when you do go out lookin for more again, will they show it on the Discovery Channel?
Mike, Tintenfisch and I are working REAL HARD to make this happen, soon.

Hopefully within the next 12 months we'll be out there doing it all over again, this time successfully.
Hey White Kiboko, don't be too stressed about chanding direction, I did!!!

My Bachelors is a double in wait for it, behavioural psychology and behavioural zoology, then I did a masters on clams (marine science, and hey at least they're molluscs!!) during this time I got a part time job as research assistant to another great squid guy, Dr George Jackson and the rest as they say is history! (of course then I was stupid enough to say yes I'll do a PhD, BEFORE I checked on the funding situation doh! :roll: )

So it can be done!

Jean said:
Hey White Kiboko, don't be too stressed about chanding direction, I did!!!

and the rest as they say is history! So it can be done!


im not worried....amusing choice of words though..... my bs is going to be for history :) (but thats only after leaving comp sci) cephs are just a hobby...albeit one of my more interesting ones, but still at this stage, just a hobby....
Dr. O'Shea,
I must say I'd be very interested in such an opportunity. I've always been interested in cephalopods, but it's difficult to study them when you're land-locked in the Midwest. Are you looking for people who have marine science degrees, or people who have degrees in biology, but interest in cephalopods? I fit into the latter category, of course.
Steve O'Shea said:
Mike, Tintenfisch and I are working REAL HARD to make this happen, soon.

Hopefully within the next 12 months we'll be out there doing it all over again, this time successfully.

Awesome, and good luck!
Kopffuss said:
Dr. O'Shea,
I must say I'd be very interested in such an opportunity. I've always been interested in cephalopods, but it's difficult to study them when you're land-locked in the Midwest. Are you looking for people who have marine science degrees, or people who have degrees in biology, but interest in cephalopods? I fit into the latter category, of course.

Howdo Kopffuss
Anyone with an interest in cephalopods is welcome, although a biological degree and familiarity with marine invertebrates would certainly help (you). Without this background you'll have to work rather hard, embarking on both a research project AND having to familiarise yourself with the basics of marine invertebrate diversity, morphology, anatomy, biology and ecology. It can be done however.

Sorry it took so long to respond; we've been stretched to capacity here this past week.
If there is anyone out there interested in doing population genetics on endangered squid and octopus species then please sing out. A background in genetics is an absolute must.

Similarly, if anyone was interested in examining toothed whale diet then sing out also.
Since I'm not qualified for any of this, can I just come out and make you guys coffee each day? I'll work cheap! I'll be the office lackey! However, you'll have to put up with me hovering around a lot muttering "COOL!" over your shoulders... :lol:
Matt, I completely agree! Hehehe! We could be the "lab mascots." I'd even dress up for the job. Sigh. Ah well. First to finish my obligations, then maybe I can play with squid. A long time from now. :roll:


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