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People I notice most...

Oct 7, 2004
So ,there's erich orser, met him a couple a times on the web....
then there's um..Dr. Steve O'Shea, Last time I saw him I was at school, then after school, I went online, he was still there...
Oh well, This thread is complete rubbish... :oops:
So anyone playing runescape out there?
And another thing, let's talk about the topic " Food and Ceph"
:shock: Obviously Steve spends far too much time online, and should cut that back! You will find that there are so many more people here that make this site a home. If you spend a little more time here (and spend a few different hours online) undoubtedly you will find that this is truly an international community (even though most of you actually live in the glorious US of A ... and I really like the USA), and that Steve spends considerably less time online than many others.

The Right Honourable Regal-footed Sir Dr Ummm...... (as he is known) spends far too little time online (and has been extremely remiss in that he's not included a pic of himself on the staff page; likewise Sir Joel and the Magnificent Fujiwasabesawasaki). But we shan't bring that up here! Erich is most cool as he's not once pooh-poohed Neil!

What on Earth is runescape? A lot of us are also old f*rts and don't know these things.
Runescape is an online game full of knights, wizards, and all that old timey stuff. I was addicted to it for some time, but my better judgement told me to quit. I am still feeling withdrawal symptoms.

Reason of quitting: no cephs in Runescape!

Squidman said:
Runescape is an online game full of knights, wizards, and all that old timey stuff. I was addicted to it for some time, but my better judgement told me to quit. I am still feeling withdrawal symptoms.

Reason of quitting: no cephs in Runescape!

Actually, after the so called '3-D' version was out, you could go on this quest thingie called the Horror From The Deep ( But no Cephs) The Sealug quest wheere you battle seaslugs that look like Cephs.
LOL, ok, back to dinner... :rainbow:

I also notice a see clem alot, I'm also planning on being a marine biologists, anyone know where I can get help in HK or in fact anywhere else in the world?:oshea: ( Hint Hint) What's a :cthulhu: Cthulhu
Cthulhu, pronounced keh tul hu is a mythical ceph-headed monster, for more detailed info you could do a search on past posts, plenty of stuff there.
Oh no!

Oh, darn! It's erich orser and um....( don't temember how many dots) :lol:

Special note: Thanks Erich! Oh, yeh! Does this count as meaningful spamming? :grin: I wonder if Steve O'Shea will drop by? I mean not to Hong Kong, but to this thread, anyone interesting in coming to HK and visiting a 14 yr old.....Yeh! Full page by of replies ME, ALL ME! ME! :oops: (sorry) Who's emial is octomonkeymadness?!

I know that your reading this!!! I see you um... and erich.
He's not kidding.


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yeah, im not on so much tho...

funny thing about eyebrows Tony, you dont really notice them until someone shaves one off at a party :)

...never fall asleep first
I'm telling you...

Dr. Steve O'Shea, what is your sleep pattern!?
I see you in the dead of the night ( 02:56 my time)
Then I see you at skool. (13:43 and 14:56 my time)
Then I see your after skool ( 16:00-18:00)
Then I see you before dinner ( 20:00)

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