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Our nicest fossil leaf we ever found!!!


Blue Ring
Nov 2, 2007
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Hey folks. I used to take my family to this one fossil leaf site for many years. We did find many fossil leafs and lots of insects too, but on one of our fossil trips way back when, when my youngest son was only 8 years old, (he is 18 now), he found this most amazing leaf!!! I was busy lifting rock and splitting it and trying my best to find some good stuff, when my youngest son came over and pulled out a piece of rock out of the ledge that I had created while digging down through the layers about 4 feet deep. I used to be able to move tons of rock. Anways, my son said something about finding a good leaf. He had taken out this piece of rock from the side and split off a piece, I told him to keep going without even looking at it. He split off another small piece and told me that it was turning into a bigger leaf? I went over to take a look, and WOW!!! I took out my small sharp chisles and took off the rest of the rock!! Wow!! We have been finding many many fossil leafs there, but never since have we ever found anything this nice!!! This is yet another one of those 'air-loom' keeper specimens!!! Believe me, we have spent many many days, year after year there, and have never found anything quite like this. This leaf comes from the Parachute member of the Green River formation and is eocene in age. Ive been offered lots of money for this fossil, but it will never leave the family. My youngest son wants this one once im long gone. How nice it that?!!! Enjoy

Hey gang. If you could hold that leaf in your hands, you would see even more delicate detail!! it really is awesome!!! But I just realized this morning that im getting off track. This is a site for cephelopods. I am going to show just a few more fossils and then get back on track and show you folks some of my ammonoids once they are prepped. but that wont be for a couple of months? Please be patient with me, Im not the sharpest pencil in the box?
RonB;104903 said:
Hey gang. If you could hold that leaf in your hands, you would see even more delicate detail!! it really is awesome!!! But I just realized this morning that im getting off track. This is a site for cephelopods. I am going to show just a few more fossils and then get back on track and show you folks some of my ammonoids once they are prepped. but that wont be for a couple of months? Please be patient with me, Im not the sharpest pencil in the box?

I'm glad you noticed the drifting off-topic aspect yourself... I was reluctant to nudge you on that because I'm pretty sure that people interested in fossil cephs are close to 100% interested in everything you've posted. I will, however, mention that to accommodate this, there is a big thread for non-ceph fossils that's probably the best place for things of this sort:
[Non-Ceph] Bits 'n Pieces

Also, people also occasionally add [non-ceph] as a tag that they're going a bit off-topic, but have some reason to believe that the post is relevant or interesting for the ceph-crowd at TONMO... I'm inclined to think that this thread is fine, but would ideally have had that label, but certainly fits in to the "preservation of soft tissues" discussions which are very relevant to fossil cephs.

For really off-topic stuff that seems likely to appeal to TONMO folks, the supporters forum is available to people who have given a bit to help pay the server bills.

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