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[Octopus]: Oswald - O. bimaculatus My new Bimac from Tonmo


Pygmy Octopus
Jun 20, 2018
Reaction score
Just received him/her this morning. Acclimated for 4 hours and got to play with him in the bucket. Loved the drip line and my fingers. Even ate a crab in the bucket. In his new home now and he went in to a breeder box that he can get out of anytime he wishes and figures out the lid. I like to do this with younger octopus, as I can monitor his feeding habits much better. Plus I get to see him well for the first day or two. Will keep everyone posted on “Oswalds” journey.


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How big is your tank?

Thanks Gabe
Per @RSG's Tank Talk thread, 75 gal w/ a 20 gal sump :thumbsup:
Per @RSG's Tank Talk thread, 75 gal w/ a 20 gal sump :thumbsup:

I have another question about the filtration is it drilled or a hang over the back filtration to the sump? I’ve been figuring out how or which way is the best way to do it. I was thinking about building my own tank so I wanted your thoughts on the matter?

Thanks Gabe
I have my sons home and my father. Plenty of crabs a
I have another question about the filtration is it drilled or a hang over the back filtration to the sump? I’ve been figuring out how or which way is the best way to do it. I was thinking about building my own tank so I wanted your thoughts on the matter?

Thanks Gabe
I think to best is a drilled tank so that it can be sealed very well. I run a carbon/GFO reactor and a bio pellet reactor. I also have a refugium with lots of macro, copepods and Amphipod. Really keeps the tank clean and if he does ink it can be cleaned quickly. I also have a lot of flow in the DT. Helps to keep the sand beds from accumulating debris. Sea cucumber and a conch. Not sure how long that will last but so far so good
I have my sons home and my father. Plenty of crabs a

I think to best is a drilled tank so that it can be sealed very well. I run a carbon/GFO reactor and a bio pellet reactor. I also have a refugium with lots of macro, copepods and Amphipod. Really keeps the tank clean and if he does ink it can be cleaned quickly. I also have a lot of flow in the DT. Helps to keep the sand beds from accumulating debris. Sea cucumber and a conch. Not sure how long that will last but so far so good
I have my sons home and my father. Plenty of crabs a

I think to best is a drilled tank so that it can be sealed very well. I run a carbon/GFO reactor and a bio pellet reactor. I also have a refugium with lots of macro, copepods and Amphipod. Really keeps the tank clean and if he does ink it can be cleaned quickly. I also have a lot of flow in the DT. Helps to keep the sand beds from accumulating debris. Sea cucumber and a conch. Not sure how long that will last but so far so good

It’s a little challenging kinda seeing everyone’s set up and not really know what to get or what not to get. I’ll keep on looking through threads and stuff!

Thanks Gabe

Well, I am home from hospital and my Bimac, Oswald is doing great. He would eat 3-4 crabs a day if I let him. He is very friendly and will always come out when I approach the tank. He really likes to play "tug of war" with my fingers or whatever is placed in the tank, ie. net tongs, bottle etc... Something very interesting happened yesterday. I was looking at the tank with the lights off and I saw what appeared to be a tiny octopus on the front glass. To my surprise, I have scooped up about 20 baby octopus and put the in a separate little tank. Before I received my octopus from Tonmo, I was sent an octopus from Aquarium Creations which was supposed to be a small O. Briareus. when I got it, it did not look like that species and it must have been an adult dwarf octopus and had babies. A week after I got him, I did not see her anymore and I though it had escaped. Must of went into the rock work and laid eggs, which jus hatched. Now, I collect them when the lights are off and they are attached to the front glass. When lights are on they are hiding. Can someone let me know how best to try and raise these little guys. I am going to the shore and getting newly hatched shore shrimp to feed them. What type of vessel is best to house them? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated . Stay safe everyone. A few videos attached.


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If you have or can set up a separate tank (using some of your substrate from your bimac tank) any size will do to start (preferably something larger than 15 gallons but go with what you have as the die off rate is rapid and extreme. I recommend trying to keep the hatchlings in soft breeder nets, preferably something with a shelf/netting mid way. Place a number (at least one per animal) of small snail shells in the breeder net(s) and attach them near the surface. Too far down and the won't stay in the net. This way you can target feed the shells even if you don't see the hatchlings but you will have the volume of a larger tank.

Here is a photo of the nets I have used Little Girl 2007/11/17 ~ 2008/05/? Octopus Mercatoris
For feeding try any kind of cyclops shrimp you can find along with frozen mysis. Do put live in their containers but only one or two. Eventually you should see them hunting but target feeding the shells is my suggestion for right now.

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