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[Octopodcast]: Episode 5, Interview with Brian Walls (WhiteKiboko)


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
What you've all been waiting for... the new Octopodcast is released! :cool2: You can get to it from our Octopodcast page:

[URL2="[URL]http://www.tonmo.com/octopodcast/index.php[/URL]"]TONMO.com Octopodcast -- Episode 5[/URL2]

This month we speak with Mr. Brian Walls (WhiteKiboko). Thanks WK!
Interesting stuff...will have to remember to give WK some grief about trawling, and a chestbang to Toren for the song! :cheers:
Hey, good episode!:smile: I never knew about the Legend of the Foolish Octpi, it's pretty funny.

:band: And Toren, that is some intense music!!!

I'll bite!

I'd like to hear a song about Cuttlefish, and perhaps somehow when you use the word you stutter it -- "C-c-c-cuttlefish"

As for the storyline, hmm... maybe something about the cuttlefish's camouflage ability... could tie-in to its personality. Kinda like Billy Joel's "The Stranger". :mrgreen: :rolleyes:

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