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octo sighted

Apr 20, 2005
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I was gone this week and was told my octopus was spotted twice!!! it could have been because of the temp rize it is 85 getting ice to cool the tank not good or the less food I have a bucket of crabs and snails for food too. almost 2 moths I have had bubbles!!! :mrgreen:
Hi Clownfish,

It might be better to freeze water in a 1/2 liter coke or water bottle (after soaking off the label), and float it to cool the tank.

Hope you get to see Bubbles, too.

Hmmm. 85 is pushing the envelope pretty high...Nancy, that is a great, simple solution !!!

You could also try positioning a fan across the surface of the water to direct a breeze across the tank for a while. Better remember to put the lid back on though!

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