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[News]: Researchers identify peptide that spurs cargo transport in nerve ... - News-


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005

[SIZE=-2]Science Daily (press release)[/SIZE]

Researchers identify peptide that spurs cargo transport in nerve ...
[SIZE=-1]News-Medical.net, Australia - Oct 24, 2006[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]... At her MBL laboratory, she studies the general mechanisms governing transport by injecting fluorescently labeled virus into the giant axon of the squid. ... [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Researchers Find 'Zip Code' Spurs Cargo Transport In Neurons [SIZE=-1]Science Daily (press release)[/SIZE][/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Researchers find 'zip code' spurs cargo transport in neurons [SIZE=-1]Biology News Net (press release)[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Very cool! (although, admittedly, more cool for neurbiology in general, since it's only incidentally involving squids as the convenient "big axon we can study")
monty;81356 said:
Very cool! (although, admittedly, more cool for neurbiology in general, since it's only incidentally involving squids as the convenient "big axon we can study")

Very cool indeed. That's the 2nd bit of news I've read in the past 2 days that suggest potential breakthroughs in treating Alzheimers could come sooner rather than later.

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