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[News]: ‘Underwater eyes’ spot new critters in Atlantic - MSNBC

a nice cranchiid and histioteuthid in the pictures:



the comb part visible in the cranchiid must be a gill, right? What's the big white organ next to it?
Hmm, I could be wrong, but the ostracod and amphipod in that article look exactly like some of the deep-sea creatures The Blue Planet: Deep Sea, very interesting show.
I was thinking the same thing. We JUST rewatched several episodes of that huge photo expedition (culiminating in several titles within the Discovery channel) since we acquired a newer big screen TV (with the color guns properly aligned) tonight and saw these little creatures.
Monty, I think you're right about the "feather," it must be the gill structure.

Ob, does it get along well with the duck?


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