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Newest test for Ink!


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
Reaction score
The local bait shop gave me a bunch of killies to see if Ink would eat them. He caught the first easily. The second is smart. Ink has been launching attacks from every angle! He even has propelled himself straight up! Never saw an octo do this before. He has been camaflaging and as the fish swims by, he shoots out an arm to try to grab it! Launching himself from a far corner to come down like a parachute! So far the fish has outrun him, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the fish goofs!!!

Really interesting to see Ink in such a hunting phase! And here's another picture! I think Ink is starting to get used to the camera. He doesn't go off and hide anymore! Usually when he's tired of it, he retires to his green cave, but still watches!

Carol :mrgreen:

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