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Names and Tank Update

Aug 6, 2003
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What should I name my octo? Tanks been cycling for almost a month (thanks again BOE :notworth: ) and have ordered 60 pounds of live sand and 45 pounds of live rock (the rest I'll buy at the LFS or just take from my seahorse tank). He should arrive in two months or so..... :D
The octo's got a 3-4" mantle and 8" arms. The octo also had little brownish black dots on it. Anyone have a guess what it could be? LFS owner thinks it's a bimac. :roll:
Those arms seem a bit long for a bimac - but the real way to tell a bimac is the eyespot with the unbroken chain. It's really hard to identify an octopus from a description - difficult enough with a photo!

Didn't get any name suggestions so I picked some out of some Stephen King books. If anyone still has some suggestions, post them here. :)
People pick all sorts of names - human names (Alice), funny names (Rummler), historical names (Spartacus). unusual names (The Agent).

What are the ones your considering? Maybe they'd give us some ideas!

Just added it to the poll. :)

Rock hasn't arrived yet, I moved about 10 pounds from my 20 gallon, still about 25 left in there, don't want to move it all till I sell my seahorse. :(
err much that I'm flattered to get listed theres's a small issue of speeling as it's ACUS not ICUS :x & there's no votes against it !!
(Spartacus is the name of a llama)

oh, we have a CAG parrot called Chadwick which if you like pet names that morph into new names so the old one does't get tired, has changed to Chad, Wix, Chadders, Wicky-woo & his personal favourite at 300dB to announce he's up & ready to start the day is:
Wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wooooooooooo which is quite snappy for an octopus or we also have a collie called Gerbil !!

as a keeper of very old ceph's no longer requiring a marine environment in which to cruise, could you be so kind to explain "living sand & rock" as one is intrigued & losing sleep :?:

Corrected the spelling. Thanks for the other name suggestions.

Live sand is a substrate that has bacteria in it. I'm not entirely sure, I just got some because Nancy and Colin say so. Live rock offers a hiding place for bimacs, I ordered Carribean live rock from www.etoropicals.com . I think it's got some bacteria and little critters in it to help with cycling too. :)

EDIT: Etropicals called, they said they screwed up the order and was supposed to be shipped last Thursday but will arrive on the 8th, so they're giving me $10 off. :party:
Rock arrived 2 hours or so ago, very pleased with the stuff. Now I'm curing it in another big rubbermaid tub, then I can add it to my tank. :)
spartacus said:
[as a keeper of very old ceph's no longer requiring a marine environment in which to cruise, could you be so kind to explain "living sand & rock" as one is intrigued & losing sleep :?:

I asked this very same quetion a year-or-so ago .....
and are you now any wiser Uncle Steve ? :D
as a keeper of koi, I encourage aerobic bacteria in my filtration system but not by launching pieces of the earths crust into it, surely that would be considered hostile, even bacteria have feelings.
I'll dig out the photo album of my tubifex worms

That's one good list to choose from now, glad I intervened :wink2:

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